My Story

As a kid born in the inner city and raised in the suburbs, fashion, lifestyles and just life as a whole can be viewed in two different perspectives. On one side, I have seen the daily struggles of an inner city community, an environment where many are left with no choice but to go into survival mode and survive. On the other side, I grew up with kids who's parent's were stock brokers or business owners and didn't have to work a day in their life (if they chose to), because they were born into wealth. My community growing up was a melting pot. Fortunately, I was Blessed to see both opposite sides of the spectrum; being that I rotated going back and forth from both environments my whole life. Seeing the two different ways of living allowed me to gain perspective, whether good or bad.  These perspectives helped grow and mold me into the man I am today.  All in all, Jealous Ones Never Prosper Clothing is here to bridge the gap between the two Worlds. "Jealous Ones Never Prosper" is a mantra of how both worlds can relate in retrospect. Although the roots of J.O.N.P Clothing is urban based, we have plans to expand and grow into custom pieces for women and furthermore, accessories and footwear for both men and women. Always inspired by fashion as a form of self expression and one who is sought out to be fashionable, J.O.N.P is here to make our mark on the fashion industry and be remembered for a lifetime.

Welcome to J.O.N.P.